Category: Get Inspired

Get inspired is a collection of stories, expansive pieces about health, sustainability, and how to live a richer life. Get inspired to live your life to the fullest potential, following your passion, and achieving your goals.

  • My Most Uncomfortable  Moments In The Mountains

    My Most Uncomfortable Moments In The Mountains

    I ain’t gonna lie, it has happened to all of us. Forgetting a key piece of equipment, being on a big hut mission with a bunch of dudes while on your period, not speaking up when you should definitely speak up… So let’s talk about it.

    I am human, you are human, we are not robots. Sometimes we all have those days where we start contemplating what the heck am I doing here? And you feel like everyone is looking at you like a rookie they regret bringing along…

    Forgetting my skins on a very important mission with my dad (!)

    In spring 2021, my dad and I planned to ride down the West face of Atwell mountain, here in Squamish. A very technical approach and even more technical descent. We had spent a good chunk of time planning that day and the night before I felt really nervous. I repacked my bag many times and kept thinking of what I needed and how to prepare myself the best for the mission.

    We met up at the airport in the morning and a quick 8 minute flight later, we were at the base of Garibaldi mountain. The helicopter took off and we were alone. I open my bag and start looking for the skins for my splitboard. Just to find out they are definitely not there. It was really funny for a second. And then very embarrassing. But then we were just angry. Mostly my dad.

    Long story short, that day took a lot more work than we had expected. A lot of bootpacking and in some moments, even sharing my dad’s skins. But since he was on skis, I had to attach one of his skins to one of my skis from the splitboard with a ski strap. And slide/pull technique my way forward. Not a fun experience. But like I said, it was funny after.

    What did I learn?

    To keep a list. My friend made me say all the things I usually need for a one day in the backcountry out loud, as she was writing them down. I put that on my fridge, and have always kept it as a reference.

    BAÏST Gloves – Code: ALENKABaist

    Not speaking my mind, where I should’ve definitely said SOMETHING!

    This is a very long story and I would like to keep it as brief as possible.

    A few years ago, I was on a multiday split-board mission down in South America. It was our last day of riding and we wanted to ski the couloir that we’d been side-eyeing for days. Spicy, tight… but there was something super attractive about it.

    The approach took about 3 hours and if it wouldn’t go, we could always turn around and ride the way we came from. It was late in the spring and the sun was hot. Down in Patagonia, the sun hits strong. After a few good hours of hammering up a steep slope, we reached the top of the ridge and also the peak of the mountain. Looking down our couloir my first thought was “just leave it, this won’t go”

    We spent a good 30 minutes discussing our options, the ways of riding it, the runout options, etc. Two of us from the group did not agree on riding it. One person kept staying very persistent. I was becoming very uncomfortable. Without hesitation, I voiced my concerns and that’s when everything went to sh**. I was accused of being “lame, and too conservative”.

    Hurtful things started coming my way, comments like: “See, this is why the snowboard women category (referring to freeride competitions), doesn’t go anywhere! Because you guys are afraid of taking risks! You don’t push yourself and you don’t push the sport”.

    I believe the word pu**y came out at some point, with the other person, also a guy, staying silent and looking at the ground throughout this whole conversation.

    I had enough. I was so fed up. Nobody tells me that I can’t do something. It’s not a thing. And if they do, I will definitely go do just that. What they’re telling me I can’t do.

    I dropped second into a line that I felt was way over my head, or anyone else’s level in our group. Angry, holding back my tears. Came to the bottom, cursing the day and everything that just happened. Wondering – WHY I couldn’t stand up for myself.

    When that person dropped in, things went really bad really quickly. In seconds, he was slamming the rocky part of the side after catching an edge. And it was only 10 seconds later that I was taking off my splitboard to run up a very steep powdery slope, to help with the rescue, getting to my friend lying on the snow after his fall. A long day, turned into night, which turned into a big rescue mission due to broken bones and his inability to walk away from the line.

    There’s so much to be learned from this situation but yet, for years I have debated even sharing the story publicly. Why? Probably because I felt embarrassed for not standing up for myself or being stronger at the moment. I hope whoever is reading this, can take something from the situation.

    1. Speak up when you aren’t 100% comfortable
    2. Call people out on their shit and don’t let anyone treat you the way they shouldn’t

    ~ discount BRANWYN | Sustainable Merino Bras & Underwear

    Being on my period while on a touring/sledding trip

    This one is for the ladies, but fellas… listen closely.

    Not really a specific “moment” in time, but more like an ongoing thing each season. Sometimes the plans and good conditions just line up with our cycles. And you just have to deal with it. 4 nights, 5 days. A hut full of guys, in the middle of nowhere.

    Being on your period is sometimes extremely hard on us girls, even from the comfort of our own homes. Imagine being uncomfortable when you have access to a hot bath, medicinal teas, chocolate or heat pads… now take that into the backcountry setting – totally different story!

    But part of being a mountain woman is having to do your best to adapt, in any setting.

    How do I deal with it?

    I track my period to the best of my knowledge, and if it really falls on the timing of a hut trip, I come prepared. Painkillers for cramps, right in my pocket (not in the first aid kit, because then you have to dig for them). Ginger, chamomile, or any kind of calming tea. I bring more food because my body craves more calories… Baby wipes and a water bottle 😉 Very easy to heat the water up on the jet boil and have a mini shower outside. I know, gross. But still… that’s the reality!

    And also: Be vocal. It’s OK to say hey, everyone. I feel like going a little slower today because I don’t have a lot of energy. Or, “I’m really cramping up so I will sit this one out…”

  • Freeride Competitions: What It Takes

    Freeride Competitions: What It Takes

    For the majority of my last 3 years, I have primarily been focusing on my preparation, training, traveling, and competing in the Freeride World Tour qualifiers series. A series of events, ranging from 2* to 3* and 4*, where you compete against some of the best athletes in the freeride world of skiing and snowboarding. The goal is to gain points with your results, which will help you make it to the finals (8 women snowboarders get into the finals – Challenger series) and potentially qualify for the World Tour. 1 woman alone, gets to qualify for the tour. This means you need to win the Challenger series (finals) to advance to the Freeride World Tour.

    I have been doing the tour on both the Southern and Northern hemispheres, chasing winter on both ends. Sacrificing my summers, most of my resources, energy, and sunlight. Several podiums, 1st place finishes, and my qualification to the finals don’t speak to how good I am as an athlete, but rather my dedication and determination.

    I was never that kid who was extremely good at everything she did. Quite the opposite, I had to work hard to be good at sports, and nothing (maybe climbing) ever came easy to me. Growing up with two brothers, competitiveness was a big part of our childhood, and they are two very talented athletes, let me tell you! Extra frustrating when you are working really hard on a simple backflip, that your little bro lands on his first try.

    But it was most likely my brothers that I have made me as competitive as I am today. Being competitive is good for someone like me who is on her journey to pursue a career in professional snowboarding. But nobody talks about the comparison that comes with it. Comparing yourself to other people whose journey, their story, and their timelines are completely different than yours.

    It’s tough to see yourself in one place and watch someone else who you perceive as “an equal” progress quicker, or better than you. It destroys your motivation and it can be frustrating.

    I have met a lot of girls on tour who have had similar goals to mine, but talking to them helped me realize we are all on our own paths and even though we might be competing together in one thing, we live different lives and different instances, people and places brought us to that exact moment. It actually becomes kind of empowering when you realize that.

    Back in August, I witnessed and been a part of, one of the kindest acts a woman can do for another woman in the ski industry. It took me by surprise and I will forever be grateful. I got a new sponsor because another snowboarder recommended me to the manager. I’m not sure why it took me by surprise but it completely changed my perspective on a few things.

    It’s simple. Empowered women – empower women.

    Jealous, small-minded, and insecure people will only think of themselves, and see everyone else as the enemy.

    What does it take to compete on the freeride world tour circuit? It takes resilience, determination, and the ability to self-reflect and take criticism as something positive.

    confidence - mindfullness - meditation - happy thoughts - snowboarder girl - snowboarding - alenka mali
  • Don’t Dim Your Own Light, To Make Others Feel More Comfortable

    Don’t Dim Your Own Light, To Make Others Feel More Comfortable

    I’m sitting in a small airport cafe, in the middle of one of my 3 long layovers. No matter how many times I have promised myself not to fly cheap, I still do it sometimes.

    14 hours in Mexico City, 8 hours in Santiago Chile, and another 5 in Buenos Aires before I reach my final destination, Bariloche, Argentina.

    Long times waiting around like these are always great for multiple reasons. You can sleep on very comfortable airport benches, drink really bad coffee and enjoy overpriced food. Like – why is airport food always so bad? It can’t be that hard to prepare a good meal for that kind of money, can it?

    Why do we shrink our energy, when we feel “too much”?

    Do NOT dim your own light to please others. Or to make others feel more confident, and comfortable… I would love to talk about that today a little bit because it has been on my mind for a while now.

    2023, if I can choose one quote to say goodbye to you, this would be the one.

    Most of the time your friends & family don’t realize how harmful their comments or lack of support is to you. People love to speak out about other people’s actions because they think they are helping by providing their opinion or advice. It’s too easy to think you know better than someone else. Even about their own life.
    In their mind, they’re protecting you and protecting themselves.

    They see what you’re doing as “unsafe” or “different” or not following the “status quo.” Small minds are limited by their own mentality, living in a small world, and thinking small thoughts. It’s not their fault, our society isn’t very expansive as a unit, everything around us is designed to distract us and keep us addicted to scrolling, consuming, and spending precious time and money on things that don’t matter.

    They are confined to the limitations of what they believe is possible. 

    By you jumping outside of the box you scare them and you may threaten the choices they have made for their own lives. It’s like you are making them insecure about their own life, by living a life they have dreamed about but never dared to live.

    You should never dim your light just to make other people feel secure. 

    People will always talk, and people will always judge. Because all they have is their own perspective.

    Hiding, or cutting yourself short isn’t going to do anything good for anyone.

    Never hide. 
    Never give up. 
    Never dull your light.

    The world needs your gift.

    Any thoughts to add? Comment down below.

    Happy New Year, from my heart to Yours, Alenka

  • Sharing the passion: BASE jumping ~ ALENKIS EP. 3

    Sharing the passion: BASE jumping ~ ALENKIS EP. 3

    The final part of the series ~ Alenkis ~

    a 3-part series, following Alenka Mali on her competitive snowboard season. From qualifying for this year’s Freeride Challenger Tour to her life in the finals and lastly, the off-season BASE jumping to top off a great year!

  • Does my life have an impact?

    Does my life have an impact?


    It seems like in the world of chaos, my life is like the ocean on a dark stormy day. Between traveling, training, competitions and my own personal progression, I’m constantly craving more simplicity. But isn’t the word more, already the opposite of simplicity? Simplicity is less. Less of anything, makes it more simple.

    When we are on the ground, our days consist of running around, planning, dreaming, moving, rigging, taking down, packing up, packing in…

    When we are in the mountains, life is so simple. Survive. Eat, sleep, move. Rest, go, nourish.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to bring some of that down to our home sometime?

    My name is Alenka and I’m a competitive freeride snowboarder, splitboarder and I enjoy surfing, BASE jumping and climbing as a compliment to my lifestyle.

    I’m inspired to live through sports that make me feel both alive and connected to Mother Earth. Snowboarding, surfing, and climbing are to me just a form of self-expression. Being in the mountains means freedom. Freedom to roam, explore, and define myself. 

    Being that much closer to nature, I’m surrounded by like-minded people, who have inspired me to do better, and be the change I want to see in the world. 

    I grew up with 3 brothers, in a naturally very competitive environment. Both of my parents made their own marks in the world of alpinism, yet they always included us on their trips, expeditions and training. We spent our summers in Argentinian Patagonia, and the rest of the year roaming around popular European climbing spots. 

    I left my mother’s nest early in life and moved to Canada, searching for something different. I can’t tell you exactly what my dream was when I was 16, but I wanted to inspire. I saw a world full of chaos that needed change. Nature has been suffering for way too long, women in sports were not getting treated equally, respect was not given, where respect was due. It seemed like greed had taken over, and there wasn’t enough empathy in the world. I saw all those things, with my innocent young eyes through traveling and seeing the world, learning about different cultures and the sports that grew close to my heart. I was inspired. My heart was full of rage, angst that pushed me in sports, drive that motivated me forward! I wanted to do something about it, I just didn’t know what?

    It felt like a switch, new wind blowing in my direction. I realized something very simple. All I have to do is to live a purposeful life and make an impact, doing what I love. It turned everything around for me. I started focusing on micro-actions, on a macro scale. How can my day-to-day choices and lifestyle decisions contribute to my higher self and eventually, a better world. By being conscious, those actions and steps towards my goals became more meaningful. Therefore my life’s purpose revealed itself to me, without even trying.

    Over the years of trying new things, failing, succeeding, failing more and trying again.. I’m a firm believer that I always have to work hard for anything I want to achieve in life. Deep within us, we are all aware of what we should and shouldn’t do to be happy. We can always feel motivated and powerful enough to create and attract anything we desire.

    So I started doing. I organized beach clean ups in Bali, where I spent a few months of each year, surfing before the winter season. I held workshops in schools about plastic pollution and climate change. I organized night local’s markets because I wanted people to have a place where they can listen to live music and buy local goods at night, rather that sit in a bar and drink. I donated my time and resources to charities, designed websites for free, took photos, spread the word, offset my carbon footprint each year by planting trees… When I started competing and diving deeper into the world of backcountry, first descents and first female lines were achieved as a side effect of ultimately just doing what I loved. And soon after, messages from other girls rolled in, about how inspired they felt, watching my journey. I thought hmm,.. That is the feeling my mother gave my whole life, and other powerful female role models.

    Who can I continue to be exactly that, for those who need it?

    To see the change I want to see, I just need to be me, and the rest will follow. Make some noise, and people will listen. To this day, I am sometimes still questioned and doubted on my path, being far from traditional. I’m proud of my journey, even though it may be different. As a women in male-dominated sports I learned to have thick skin and hold my chin up high, sometimes even hold in those tears from running down my cheeks. You need to work extra hard, to prove yourself as a woman. It’s OK, I’m not here to cry about it. But I will call it like it is.

    My newest sponsor, is the inspiration behind this post. I found out about Branwyn because I simply LOVE merino wool products and I always use them for sports as well as for comfy lazy days. But what I found out later, is just how inspiring the owners are, and how determined they are in seeing the same change in the world, that I wanted to see.

    I feel very honored to be representing the brand. The products themselves are probably the best I have ever tried, but the brand is what truly matters! In this day and age, we have a very powerful ability to vote with our dollars. Where our money goes, it thrives. It is not about buying big, and all the time. It becomes more about spending the hard earned money for the right thing, towards a vision that you believe in.

    Stoked to be here.


    Cover photo by: Julie ~ Dakini Arts

  • Practising Non-Attachment in Europe

    Practising Non-Attachment in Europe

    It was time.

    More than that, it was a good decision. The moment I landed in Paris, it hit me. Not traveling for almost 1,5 years, I got attached. I attached myself to Squamish, to BC, to its people, its mountains. Not a bad thing, I thought. Simply an observation.

    On the topic of unattachment, I am no expert. But I might know a few things. I remember how hard it was always, for me to leave Argentina each time. That was and still is my first home, with my people. Every time I stepped on a plane to Europe, my heart got crushed. Europe never felt like home, more of a temporary destination. I was attached to Bariloche, I was attached to my people.

    When I was 14 or 15 years old

    When I was 14 or 15 years old, I was ready to leave my momma’s nest. I was ready to see the world. Nothing held me back at that point. I wasn’t attached to a single thing. Free as a bird, as they say. And I saw the world, with my own eyes. I traveled extensively, basing myself out of BC, but proudly roaming the world. Surfing, practicing yoga, exploring ayurvedic principles… Discovering different cultures, and most importantly myself. Diving deep into my life’s mission. I was always concerned about what my purpose is. How can one live without a purpose?

    Until I realized something so simple. I have to do to live a purposeful life and make an impact is to do what I love. And love what I do. It turned everything around for me. I started focusing on micro-actions, on a macro scale. How can my day-to-day choices and lifestyle decisions, contribute to my higher self and eventually, a better world. By being conscious, those actions and steps towards my goals became more meaningful. Therefore my life’s purpose revealed itself to me, without even trying.


    Unattaching myself from my own values

    I divided people into two categories. Those who inspire me and those who do not. We have different values, as we naturally are a bunch of different human beings. No need to think my way is THE WAY. Losing the attachment to what I believe in, made me realize I don’t need to convince everyone else to align with my opinions, to make the world a better place. Rather surround me with people whose values naturally align with mine. And hopefully inspire each other to make the world a better place, through sports, our connection to nature, love for the Earth, and daily practices.

    Living within my beliefs and values doesn’t have to mean I am married to the idea of how I see the world.

    Like the seasons, I feel ever-changing, ever-evolving and fluidity is what matters to me now more than staying “true to myself”. If my true self constantly changes, grows, and evolves, to an outsider’s point of view, it may seem I’m not really living within my beliefs. Which doesn’t matter anymore. Other people’s opinions should be at the bottom of our list of worries.

    When we can simply allow life to unfold naturally without being attached to outcomes, (beliefs, feelings or opinions), then we experience true non-attachment.

    Unnattaching myself from places, things, people.

    Ultimately, why do we want to practise non-attachment? “Non-attachment” sounds a bit intimidating, doesn’t it?

    Unfortunately, most people tend to associate this spiritual phrase with being emotionally cold and unfeeling. But true non-attachment is quite the opposite. Tt allows us to live in this world fully, without being attached to people, things, or thoughts that create suffering.

    Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.

     Dalai Lama 

    Unnattaching myself from my things, doesn’t mean I have to sell everything, go live in Tibet and stay silent for the rest of my days. To me, it means understanding the importance + the concept of letting go. Nothing is permanent in life, and that’s okay. I have seen the concept being explained in many times, studying the principels of Budhism and Taoism. At the end of the day, clinging to things, people or places isn’t healthy if you want to keep moving with your life’s flow. Our destiny (pre-determined or not, whatever you believe) should not be effected by material posesions or desires to stay in a certain place or with a certain people, just because we attached ourselves to them.

    Speaking from a broad, day to day perspective/…

    For me non-attachment is not about being a cold or emotionally dead brick wall. Instead, it’s about learning how to let go of the thoughts and emotions that create suffering. Once we can stop being so attached to our thoughts, we experience tremendous relief. Inner peace, and a pervading sense of joyful well-being.

    So how do we let go of our thoughts and emotions? We must learn to observe and disentangle ourselves from our thoughts. I find this process being done, much easier through practices such as mindful awareness, meditation, and self-studying (journaling, talking to friends) and yoga.

    Practising Non-attachment to goals, ideals, expectations

    Woah, this one hits home right now. I’ve had, like every hungry 22 year old, big expectations for my season, two years in a row now. Events being canceled due to Covid, friends unable to visit because Canada wasn’t allowing visitors… walls and barriers, showing up every step of the way. Sometimes, I feel so disempowered, hopeless and lost. What is the next step?

    It’s good to remind myself, that I don’t need to have these things figured out. It’s okay, to head into the season, do my best and see what happens. For a goal oriented, and end picture driven person, it’s hard sometimes, not to attach myself to an expectation of what my career or my path may look like.

    Resd more: How To Set Big Goals Free Of Unhealthy Attachments

    What are the benefits of non-attachment?

    After doing some research, (thank you Loner Wolf), I made a list of benefits that come from non-attachment. When we stop clinging to internal and external phenomena, our whole relationship with life is different. Here is what may (or may not) happen when you learn how to practice acceptance and surrender:

    1. You will stop being controlled by your emotions, instead, you’ll become interested in them
    2. You won’t be attached to the outcome, meaning that you’ll be free from the dread, anxiety, and inner tension that comes with clinging to expectations
    3. Naturally more curious, open, and spontaneous because you have no predetermined desire or craving
    4. More peaceful and less neurotic, meaning that your relationships and friendships will drastically improve
    5. Feeling consistently relaxed and serene because you’re not identifying with your thoughts and feelings (and instead you’re witnessing them as a “passive observer”)
    6. You’ll be more resilient in the face of loss and death because you’re not attached to people and realize that all things are ephemeral
    7. Feel a sense of expansive freedom because you’re no longer a slave to the mind
    8. You’ll feel a sense of wholeness because you don’t need or want anything in particular, you’re happy just as you are in the present moment
    9. You’ll feel more love for yourself and others because you’re not attaching to beliefs and expectations about who you/others “should” be or what “shouldn’t” happen
    10. Experience more synchronicity as life unfolds effortlessly and naturally
    11. You’ll no longer be addicted to “getting” things or filling an empty hole in yourself because you’re content and don’t attach to the belief that someone or something will “complete” you
    12. It will help you feel more grounded and connected to life because you’re not lost in thought-based attachments
    13. Your mind will become clear and you’ll be able to perceive the truth more easily
    14. You’ll feel gratitude, love, compassion, and happiness permeate your life as you have let go of the need to chase happiness (which creates unhappiness)

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish-based photographer and competitive freeride snowboarder. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains, and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight, jump off cliffs because I live for the thrill of it all!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

    This post contains affiliate links – click here to learn more!


  • 8 Ski + Snowboard Films That Will Get Your Stoke ON For The Season ~ 2021

    8 Ski + Snowboard Films That Will Get Your Stoke ON For The Season ~ 2021

    For most people out there, who dedicate their lives to winter, this time of the year feels like Christmas. And the ski movies, premiering all over the world are the presents under the Christmas tree, reminding us of the feeling that we almost forgot. In the midst of summer heat, we easily wrap ourselves around biking, kite surfing, working long hours to save something extra for the winter season, and dreaming of pow.

    If you find yourself keep looking up to the mountain tops, just to catch those first layers of white more than once this week, is probably a good time to start watching ski movies and get STOKED for the winter. The temperatures are dropping, but the movies coming out this fall are HOT.

    I selected a few that stood out to me, feel free to comment more titles down below, I’d love to check them out. Big mountain, street, freeride, freestyle, and absolute alpinism. A little bit of everything. Enjoy.


    The Stomping Grounds

    Link SAR

    The Approach

    Tales From Cascadia

    The Microdose Series ~ Not a film, but in-depth series, following the begginings of a few legendary snowboarders

    Long Days

    The Spirit Of The Thing

  • 5 Places To Appreciate

    5 Places To Appreciate

    This is an appreciation post. Nothing to teach, nothing to learn. I would simply like to highlight a few places that I absolutely LOVE. And hopefully, inspire some of you to visit one day. These are places to appreciate.


    Traveling is not something that everyone is born into. It also takes time to get good at it. Getting help, from the experts makes things a whole lot easier.

    Check out Bemiles

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains, and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!


    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

    This post contains affiliate links – click here to learn more!


  • 3 Reasons To Meditate

    3 Reasons To Meditate


    Meditation is More Than Just a Stress Reducer

    The reasons we meditate are as varied as the many ways there are to meditate. In the West, most people are drawn to meditation to quiet the internal chatter of the brain and to reduce stress. Meditation is, indeed, a very effective stress reducer, but its benefits – sometimes mysteriously hidden – are far more bountiful. 



    1. Because It’s Good for Our Bodies

    Scientists gathering data on meditation have found that a consistent practice not only boosts the mind, but it also bolsters the body. Studies bear out that meditation can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain, and support the immune system, better enabling it to fight disease.

    The mind-body connection between stress and disease is abundantly apparent as science is finding that meditation can lower the production of the stress hormone cortisol. This means meditators are better able to adapt to stress in their lives and its common physiologic responses, which can include:

    Heart disease


    Sleep problems

    Digestive problems



    Memory impairment

    Skin conditions


    2. Because It’s Good for Our Relationships

    Paradoxically, while meditation helps us tune in and turn inward to our true essence, it also helps us detach from our own egos to connect with others in more meaningful ways. Couples counselors have found when they assign their clients meditation, the couples become less angry, more self-reflective, and more loving.

    When we become aware of – and honor – our interconnection with other beings, we are able to recast our perspectives, see our worries in a different light, and embrace gratitude, which is the heart’s memory.


    Shop AJna Welling – a sustainably conscious brand


    3. Because It Can Change Our Lives – reasons to meditate

    In a world rife with never-ending fast fixes, crash diets, and get-rich-quick schemes, it’s nice to know there is a proven practice that really can change your life (or at least bring about dramatic effects) in just a little time each day.

    Yogis and doctors both agree: meditating – even just a few minutes of deep breathing – relaxes the brain, reduces anxiety, and decreases depression. When we feel as though we can’t afford the time to meditate, the truth is we can’t afford not to.


    When you start meditating, pay attention. Notice how you feel as you go about your days. If you find that you have more patience, feel grounded and better able to respond to stressful situations, and are more in touch with your intuition or “gut feelings,” you are experiencing the many benefits of meditation.


    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

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    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains, and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!


    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

    This post contains affiliate links – click here to learn more!


  • 6 Black Female Photographers That I Love

    6 Black Female Photographers That I Love

    The overwhelming support that black people have been receiving in this short period of time has been more than amazing, but our work does not end up here. I think BLM protests are good, but those won’t solve the problems of racism, and rooted mindsets, that started generations before us. I wanted to showcase these incredible black female photographers.

    It starts with us, you and me — as individuals. We have to look inwards and really think about how we’ve been treating the people of color and maybe change a thing or two.

    If you think you’re all good to go in that department, that’s cool too. I’m still going through pages of ideas, but thus far I’m hearing a resounding request to showcase more diverse creators.

    This is something I will consistently do going forward as a promise to you, and our community.

    Please keep tagging new creators on my Instagram and in the meantime, give these creators a follow. Because today, I would like to highlight these 6 amazing and inspiring black female photographers.

    You don’t have to think twice, to realize this is a minority of the minorities. The photo and video industry is a very white saturated and male-based industry. But that’s totally fine. Just by reading this article, you are one step closer to changing those statistics.

    Give these gals a follow on Instagram, they deserve it.

    6 Black Female photographers that you need to follow on Instagram!

    Jasmine Murrell

    Year and City of Birth: 1977, Detroit, MI

    Collaborative photographer, Jasmine is a super talented creative director and composer.

    “Jasmine Murrell’s work is important because she incorporates other media (like sculpture, performance, and video) into the making of her photographic images. Her work is often the result of collaboration.” — Kalia Brooks, Adjunct Professor in the Photography and Imaging Department in the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University

    Follow @jasminemurrell

    Yagazie Emezi

    Yagazie speaks of herself as simple yet complex at once. I feel you girl, nothing is simple, yet everything is at the same time. The photojournalist is bringing us home with her deeply grounded and candid photos, sprinkled with her own spice.

    Follow her @YagazieEmezi

    Denisse Myrick

    Her feed looks absolutely stunning. It’s like her whole life is a staged mood-board almost! Give this zero waste, traveling queen a follow!

    Follow @chasingdenisse

    Adrienne Raquel

    She’s from Texas, but call New York home; photographer, Adrienne Raquel’s Instagram feed is the stuff of all of your childhood dreams. Powder pink rotary phones, blissful sunsets and silhouettes so beautiful you wish you could hang them in your living room.

    Her work is so stunning, her style brings out the shadows and colours in the perfect dance and she’s definitely a big inspiration for me.

    Black lives matter. ⁣
    Black women matter.⁣
    Black men matter.⁣
    Black children matter. ⁣
    Black voices matter.⁣
    Black experiences matter.⁣
    Black narratives matter. ⁣

    Black past matters. ⁣
    Black present matters. ⁣
    Black future matters.⁣

    Black LOVE matters. ⁣

    The resilience it takes for us to prevail, fight for injustices, to survive and evolve in this world is remarkable and completely unmatched. It always has been and always will be.❤️✊🏿

    Follow @adrienneraquel

    Malin Fezehai

    Documentary photographer, Malin Fezehai, bring photos to life through her use of contrasting lighting and stark imagery. With a strong focus on portraiture, she highlights displaced communities around the world.

    Follow her @MalinFezehai

    Eunice Beck

    When she’s not capturing photos, you can find Eunice watching Shia Lebouf movies, buying plants she doesn’t have room for, or drinking Margs at Chili’s. She’s aggressively obsessed with dogs and boyfriend (in that order) and really, really loves her job as a freelance photographer.

    Follow @eunicebeck

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains, and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!


    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • 5 Ways You Can Do Better — Green Planet

    5 Ways You Can Do Better — Green Planet

    The idea isn’t to be perfect. The idea is do find something new every day, to do better! Little by little, we can hope to change the world, by changing the consumers and then the industry.

    In the follow-up of the World Oceans Day from this Monday, I wanted to continue the green train we have been riding and do another eco-friendly post. Discover 5 ways to do better today, for the better planet tomorrow.

    Read more: World Oceans Day 2020

    Have you thought about going zero waste, actively attempting to reduce your carbon footprint in the world? It involves more than just storing food in trendy mason jars, buying fresh produce at farmers’ markets, and making products from scratch. It’s a lifestyle dedicated to cultivating meaningful experiences and prioritizing environmental sustainability.

    Perhaps you’ve considered it. But without knowing the basics and getting some guidance, abandoning your dependency on plastic and the usual ways of shopping, cleaning, and eating can be pretty intimidating.

    And that’s totally fine, because I’m here for you.

    I’m hosting a ZERO WASTE INTRO 101 workshop on June 25th, 2020. Only me and a limited number of like-minded souls who’d like to learn with me!

    Join today, for a better tomorrow.

    Learn to say no to the little things

    Whether it’s a business card at a meeting, a straw at a restaurant, a plastic bag at the store, or a disposable pen from a conference, it doesn’t matter. Recognizing and denying waste — no matter how small — is crucial. Next time someone hands you something, think. Do I really need it?


    Start eating real food

    When it comes to the kitchen, — I advise you to cut back on processed foods and reach for the natural stuff. Start to eat real foods like fruits, vegetables, and anything that doesn’t come in packaging.

    I started to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle in 2018 after learning about the heartbreaking amount of plastic that winds up polluting oceans and killing animals. Now, I eat a lot healthier since cutting out packaged goods. It doesn’t mean I don’t still indulge in occasional cookies and crackers, making them myself of course.


    Tupperware is great, but not the best

    Have you ever left spaghetti in plastic Tupperware?

    After a couple of hours, the plastic is tinged red where the sauce has leached into the walls? 

    The reverse happens as well. When you store food in plastic, especially if it’s heated, this plastic wall will leach into your food. 

    BPA free isn’t safe either. Opt for glass or stainless not only are they two of the most recyclable products, but you don’t have to worry about contamination.

    Water bottles

    I mean, do I really still have to do this? I think I have been singing about banning the plastic bottles for a very long time. Four years maybe? And don’t get me wrong, the idea of banning the single use plastics hasn’t always been popular. My friends and people who knew me would always roll their eyes at me and call me a crazy hippie.

    We’re all very aware that plastic bottles are one of the most prevalent items in landfills.

    They have an incredibly low recycle rate and can only be downcycled. They will always wind up in a landfill. Here are some fun facts.

    They’re also one of the easiest items to replace in your day to day life. It takes 3 liters of water to make .5 liter of bottled water.

    It’s an unsustainable and unregulated practice. Get used to your tap water and refill a reusable bottle.

    There is a lot of attractive glass and stainless options. You can buy a stainless or bamboo cap for you Klean Kanteen.


    Composting is probably the most important step of all. I found that 80% of everything I threw away could be composted.

    You may have municipal compost, but you can also make a backyard compost. Finding the right one for you may be a challenge, but well worth the effort. Food can’t break down in landfills, that’s the end of it.

    Newspapers from 50 years ago are still legible; hotdogs are perfectly preserved. Air can’t circulate properly to let natural things decompose. 


    Who do you want to support?

    Lastly, something I wanted to talk about for a long time. We are consumers. As we shop, we vote. We literally vote with our dollars. Where we put our money, that’s who we are voting for.

    The question is, who do you want to vote for?

    What is the ideal company you want to support, where do they donate their money, where do they buy the supplies, is it a fair trade, do they support athletes or organizations?

    A little research can go a long way.

    But I have done the research for you! — 5 brands that inspire you to do better.


    Ajna Wellbeing

    I’m super proud to take part in this holistic health movement. A mindful and intuitive way of healing and thriving.

    At AJNA, We don’t believe in “health” fads, and we don’t believe that chemicals, artificial ingredients, and toxic substances should be accepted as part of everyday life.

    In fact, we want to show you how good you can feel by using natural, eco-friendly products that ARE good for you and DO deliver lasting results, without harmful side effects.

    Our products are created with one goal in mind – a happier you. Whether it’s though increased energy, less stress, or pain relief, we believe that each of our products will bring more happiness to your life, and the lives of those you care about most.

    If you listen to the advertising and media, they will tell you that there’s a new miracle “cure-all” drug or diet every week. But, if we’re told is true, then why are most people more unhealthy than ever? Our Ajna (intuition) knows better. It knows that there are safe and holistic remedies to help you live life to your full potential.

    We are Ajna Warriors, and we nourish our bodies and souls!

    Shop the Ajnamat

    Bite Snacks

    With our help, Bite is going to pave a path towards a sustainable food system. For people, for the planet.

    Shop Bite and save 15% with the code “alenkamali”


    Suntribe Sunscreen


    Suntribe was started in Sweden by the three outdoor loving friends Karl, Hampus and Julia. We started Suntribe because we are upset with how the sunscreen industry works today.

    As it is now, you can use ingredients that are proven dangerous for nature and humans and it’s all perfectly legal. Crazy, right? Our mission is to contribute to change.

    That’s why we make worry-free natural sunscreens that are 100% free from synthetic chemicals and questionable ingredients. Just like it should be.


    Shop Suntribe Sunscreen + code “alenka” gives you 15% OFF your order 😉

    Nuit Nutrition

    NuIT started with the belief that good nutrition should be easy and enjoyable. For those consuming a plant-based diet, certain key micronutrients can be difficult to get. Taking multiple supplements every day is not working; it’s confusing, frustrating, and a huge hassle. We knew there had to be a better way, so we set out to create it. 

    Good nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle to improve our food system, human health and environmental sustainability. But it’s our focus, as we believe significant improvements can be achieved by shifting towards a plant-based diet.

    Moving forward, new research discoveries and technological innovations will offer immense opportunities for change, and finding ways to utilize them to make good nutrition more accessible is our ultimate goal!

    Shop Nuit Nutrition

    Mushroom Revival

    At Mushroom Revival our mission is to give people more energy, a better night’s sleep, a clearer mind, and a bulletproof immune system with medicinal mushrooms. Also by planting a tree for every product we sell, we not only revitalize our bodies but the body of the planet.

    Shop Mushrooms Revival

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    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • World Oceans Day 2020: June 8th (Bonus)

    World Oceans Day 2020: June 8th (Bonus)

    This year, we are celebrating the world oceans day in a different way. It almost feels like in the midst of the world pandemic and BLM campaigns, we have forgotten about something even more important: our nature. Our society gets so easily carried away, with the trends of “good causes” and “doing the right things” that we sometimes forget about other “right things”.

    The result of the past events this year has almost put us back in square one. Up until the end of 2019, many big cities and even some states and countries were pledging to be plastic-free. A big movement over the last 2-3 years has put many leaders on top of the wave that led the world to a plastic-free society. But where our own desire for takeout food and drinks in the middle of the pandemic crossed the path, businesses had no choice but to go with the flow and almost backtrack a little.


    We have a voice.

    We can play a very important role in this fight both as individuals and businesses because plastic is such a big part of all of our lives. If you think about it, how often is the plastic part of your day? With things like single-serving meals, drinking straws, packaging, grocery bags, electronics, etc., the role plastic plays in our lives is vast and the results are scary. But the pandemic shouldn’t get in the way of this. I know, how important it is to support small businesses, trust me, I am running one.

    Act: But if you see where certain things can be improved, speak up! Share your ideas. If they are firm on takeaway as the only option, suggest compostable packaging, it’s not ideal but is a start.

    Read and learn. Expand your mind: The Good Trade

    Since its inception in 1974…

    World Environment Day (June 5) is the UN’s most important date for encouraging environmental awareness and action across the globe. Much like Earth Day, World Environment Day focuses on spreading awareness as well as on action and doing something to benefit the Earth. The world oceans day on June 8th (today) is a day to celebrate the biggest covering surface of the world. Our oceans. Much like the lands, our oceans are in great danger.

    As a very passionate surfer and environmentalist, I can speak for myself when I say, that it is very important to treat our oceans well. Many countries have been practicing ocean dump waste. (yes, is a thing) for years and while we cannot exactly know, how much trash there is, in our oceans, we know that there’s more than we can handle. It will take us years to try cleaning up. In the meantime, we are killing more endangered species out of our planet.


    Read more: Ocean Waste Dumping

    Take action for World Environment Day. As a business, you can already do a lot. And be a part of the fight to beat plastic pollution…

    Hey girllsss… this one is for you 😉 A ZERO-WASTE PERIOD. PERIOD. + WHAT YOU NEED!

    A lot of waste that ends up in the ocean comes from skincare and cosmetics. So supporting brands that are avoiding that / accepting back the packaging / encouraging you to buy less, is a good way to start. Many pads and tampons take years to properly decompose, and we certainly don’t have years! Check out the cup, if you feel like called to buy it, give it a try.

    Below are few ways to make an impact, starting on World Oceans Day

    1. Educate your team. Make sure everyone in your workplace and visitors know what can and cannot be recycled when it comes to plastic and encourage the use of reusables. You could even go so far as to ban single-serving disposables to really have an impact. With a small in-house campaign about recycling, you can spread awareness that can have a huge impact in your workplace and beyond. 

    2. Choose biodegradable materials instead. Plastic is often the easiest choice, but there are actually tons of solutions out there that are biodegradable and even those that do something good for the planet. For example, seed paper plantable promotional products can replace a variety of plastic-based materials used for businesses. And they grow into beneficial plants for the planet when planted.


    7 ways to a plastic free lifestyle


    Here are a few even more specific ideas for the world oceans day

    Use seed paper wristbands to replace the plastic kind at events.

    Try plantable packaging components or use biodegradable seed paper box filler in place of bubble wrap.

    Choose plantable shapes giveaways instead of pens or other plastic promotional giveaways

    Order JournalsNotepads, and Notebooks made with a plantable paper instead of plastic-based.  

    Things I stopped buying

    3. Send a message – If you’re making changes to benefit the planet, make sure to share that with the world. Occasions like World Environment Day are a great time to spread the word and connect with people on a very important topic.

    4. Host a cleanup. Nothing helps spread awareness and encourages change better than getting people outdoors to look for plastic pollution and pick it up. You could even make it a challenge of some sort to see who can collect the most.

    I know Parley TV has been doing a great job in cleanups. They came to Squamish and I helped them organize it a bit, and they also came to Bariloche! It is beautiful to see, how they use their impact to reach a big audience, all over the world.

    Check out Parley

    5. Buy in bulk. By buying things in bulk you are not only reducing the packaging materials, but you also reduce transportation emissions associated with deliveries. WIN-WIN!

    According to the BBC, as of 2015, approximately 6.3 bn tonnes of plastic had been generated. Only 9% has been recycled, 12% incinerated and a whopping 79% is accumulated in landfills and the natural environment.

    Learn more about the world ocean day

    TAKE ACTION — this year’s June 8th: World Oceans Day 2020

    The best thing I have learned in the last twenty-something years is that if we want to see the change in the world, we have to be that change. Take action and lead an example.

    Be a part of the talk — World Oceans Day

    You can extend the message by utilizing social media. Please use the hashtags #WorldOceansDay and #ProtectOurHome as ways to grow the collective impact.

    For 2020 World Oceans Day is growing the global movement to call on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. This critical need is called 30×30. By safeguarding at least 30% of our ocean through a network of highly protected areas, we can help ensure a healthy home for all!


    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    A video to watch for the world oceans day 2020

    Don’t feel like reading? Check out this expanding video:

    Pin the post:

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • Appreciating The Feminine Side

    Appreciating The Feminine Side

    I found these photos from the Bali trip in 2018, on my friend’s hard drive, and almost two years later, I’m looking at them with a different set of eyes.

    I have not spoken about body positivity on this page yet. The reason behind it is both simple and complex. It took me years to accept the body I’m living in, in this life. I am now learning new ways to love my body and myself, work on both, and appreciating. Simply appreciating and being grateful for the strong and functioning body that I have. The same body that I used to feel self-conscious about, is the machine that takes me up the mountains, enables me with joys of surfing, helps me win the competitions, allows me to travel the world and more!

    Our society has led us to believe that there’s one perfect body type, usually shown on the covers of Vogue, Victoria Secret commercials and popular bikini campaigns. Even though the world is changing, we shouldn’t wait for the society to accept our body type as beautiful, before we do.

    Read more: 7 podcasts that cultivate change

    Read more: What is my purpose in life?


    Now, should the fashion industry change their way of advertising?

    I really hope so! I feel like nowadays, brands who do not include diversity and different body sizes in their marketing campaigns, are getting dissed back and forth. So, if the reason behind changing their way of advertising lays behind the fact they actually want to do the right thing, or they just want a good PR, we’ll never know, but it’s also beyond the point. I think many companies are realizing that the days of selling their clothes and products based on a woman’s vulnerability and low self image are over. Many brands are doing great by how inclusive and open they are, working on being more relatable advertising in all shapes and sizes, including all the ethnical races.

    Project Wild Women: RedBull

    I had a great chat with Sierra Quitquit regarding this topic. She’s a professional skier and a model. She has an amazing, athletic body and unfortunately, in many eyes of the fashion industry, she was market as fat, plus size, or diversity. Something that we cannot understand at this point, still. She describes how many girls she’s worked with, eat absolutely nothing, can’t train or workout because that builds muscle and practically lead a very unhealthy lifestyle.

    Read more about Sierra

    Those girls end up on magazine covers, faces of campaigns in brands we wear every day! Young girls (including myself a few years ago), really look up to these models, not knowing the harsh truth behind it!

    Read more: Still Alive


    Appreciating the feminine energy.

    In extreme sports like surfing, snowboarding, skiing etc…climbing even, has been portrayed to almost celebrating the masculine energy in women. You were congratulated when putting into beast mode, not show feelings or excitement just f****** sending down the cliffs, surfing insane waves, but not the other way around. Most extreme sports can often seem like they’re “boys only” clubhouses. Which is the reason why girls simply had to adapt to this hard, masculine based energy, to be accepted? To be a part of that club. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing badass women sending down some super sketchy stuff, surfing Jaws, skateboarding like the concrete won’t hurt and climbing some insanely gnarly mountains. I mean, I grew up next to one. But I would also like to point out, as a woman in extreme sports, you don’t have to act tough and heartless just to be accepted. You can put on makeup and style yourself the way you want, not dress like a punk when you hang out with your snowboarder friends. Trust me, I was there.

    A couple of badass women in the surfing industry have started a movement “Surf Like A Girl”. Celebrating a gentle gliding, surfing in your unique style, rather than going hard. Alana Blanchard is a great example, in this case, she’s one of the best female surfers on tour at the moment, while having a kid and traveling full time and she’s still very down to earth, understands the concepts of her own unique style, not carrying about others think.


    I feel like there is so much I want to talk about, regarding body positivity, which is why I am now opening this topic on my website. It is something we should talk about more, and discuss between ourselves I think. For a start, I’d like to point out how we support brands that are getting a certain message out in the world. Research the brands you shop at. Anything, clothing, makeup, gear, sports equipment. Who are they supporting and how do they do their advertising.

    I would love to hear more thoughts on body positivity.

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains, and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    Read more: 16 questions about me

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • 7 Podcasts That Cultivate Change

    7 Podcasts That Cultivate Change

    I believe in the power of change. I believe in shifting believes, strengthening values, and constantly evolving. We are here in this world, to grow and expand as human beings, push ourselves and learn new things, as we go on, on this journey.

    Today, I’d like to share 7 powerful and expanding podcasts that cultivate and inspire change in the world. I have been listening to these shows for a few years now and I found them all incredibly expanding.

    Happy listening.

    Green Dreamer

    Green Dreamer is a podcast and multimedia journal illuminating our paths to ecological regeneration, intersectional sustainability, and true abundance and wellness for all.

    L I S T E N `

    Expanded with Lacy Philips

    One of my favorite podcasts, I’ve never come across an episode that I didn’t find expansive and rich with incredibly important information. Lacy teaches her manifestation techniques to many hungry souls around the world, and her podcast is that + more.

    L I S T E N `

    The Good Life Project

    Created and hosted by Jonathan Fields, The Good Life Project takes a real-world approach and features embodied teachers in every facet of life, presenting their views and methods on living a better life.

    These teachers have tried-and-tested systems for integrating more meaning, connection, and love into life. And they are the best in their field of practice — from Buddhist philosopher and professor Robert Thurman (father of Uma Thurman) to human guinea pig Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-hour Workweek and Tools of the Titans.

    This personal development podcast will nurture your progress with novel ideas from truly profound thinkers and doers.

    L I S T E N `

    Optimal Living Daily

    With a step-by-step approach to personal growth and development, host Justin Malik takes his listeners on an inspirational, motivational, and educational journey.

    Every week, the Optimal Living Daily podcast chooses a topic (like minimalism, productivity, strength training, and more) and features experts on the topic, as well as summaries of the best content on the internet, into an intriguing 10-minute audio clip.

    In the Optimal Living Daily blog, you can find supplemental information regarding the podcasts, including excerpts from books and online sources.

    L I S T E N `


    Get A Real Job

    Dan Bova, editorial director of, chats with entrepreneurs with careers that their parents, teachers, and any sane person in their life can’t wait for them to quit and get a real job.

    L I S T E N `

    Your Own Magic

    …for the curious soul in love with creating + exploring your own magic. I met Raquel and Allie in Bali, back in 2018 and it was so sweet. Both of them are exactly what this podcast reflects. Open, warm, full of butterflies, and with such pure, childlike energy.

    L I S T E N `


    Tim Ferris

    You might know Tim from the 4 hour week book, I know him from his experiments with mushrooms down in California. Incredibly talented human being runs his own podcast! Not a surprise… and I really recommend it.

    L I S T E N `

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • My Bucket List Before I turn 30

    My Bucket List Before I turn 30

    This is exciting, I’m excited, let’s do this. Here is my bucket list, of things I would like to accomplish, before the age of 30. It was my birthday yesterday and I would like to share the list I made this morning, right after waking up.

    Whether these things happen or not, I feel like putting them on the paper and sharing them with the world, will higher the chances of them happening, if that makes sense. I believe what we put out to the world and the Universe, comes back to us eventually.

    To disclose something: I did not include my whole list since some things are kind of personal and specific. If you know Lacy Philips, you know what I’m talking about.


    Ski down from K2, Elbrus, Denali, and Karakoram range

    500-hour YTT certificate

    Scuba dive certification

    Freeride World Tour Title

    Spend 1 year in New Zealand

    Spend 6 months in Australia

    A movie with Redbull

    Buy a terrain in a tropical place

    Cross 150 countries off my list

    Visit Everest base camp

    Climb Fitz Roy

    Climb Anapurna

    Surf on Easter Island

    Surf in Norway

    Carnaval in Brasil

    Dia de Los Muertos en Mexico

    Buy and live in a sprinter van

    Jump from a plane

    Get my pilots license

    Get a masters degree

    Have a kid

    Open a holistic health center in Pemberton

    Grow medicinal mushrooms

    Create an off-grid home

    Make a ski movie with Big Air Factory

    Run 3 successful businesses

    Ski down from K2

    Hit 500K subscribers on YouTube

    Invest in a property in Tofino

    Host retreats in Indonesia

    Live in Hawaii for a year

    What do you think? What is your before-30-bucket list??

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • Finding Peace In Solitude

    Finding Peace In Solitude

    The second week of April has passed by and nothing has changed. Whoever thought this quarantine thing will last for only 2 weeks, is probably having a great cry/laugh at the moment.

    The uncertainty is killing us all, trust me. I wrote a whole post about the worst part of COVID-19.

    To be honest, it is hard for me to write more. I feel like I’m not doing anything special enough to post about it. No crazy adventures, no crazy ski lines. Just staying at home, learning how to make sourdough and other complicated recipes, brewing kombucha, cleaning my shit around the house and building a bed at the back of my 4 runner.

    So, I thought I could write about finding solitude. I’m spending a lot of time with my friends, but a good chunk with myself too. Learning how to be with me, without needing the constant distraction of my phone or computer and be at peace with it. It has been an interesting process.

    1. “Wasting Time”

    Nobody feels good about wasting time. But how do you define, the time wasted? Not feeling productive or not being productive? There’s a big difference. What is productive in these times anyways?

    I’m finding new ways to be productive and new ways to define productivity. The world we know has been paused for a brief second, but that doesn’t mean we have to.

    If reading a book or watching a documentary has been defined as wasting time back in “the normal days”, maybe you should circle back and re-define it as productive! By reading a book, fiction, self-help, romance, whatever, you are stimulating your brain in a good way. By watching a documentary, you are expanding your mind and learning about something new.

    So wasting time is something we have to put on hold for now, and just enjoy doing things we normally don’t have any for.


    2. Meditation

    Of course, I will bring up meditation. And no, I will not go into the benefits of it once again. I’ve done it before, many times:

    4 Things You Are Doing Wrong In The Morning

    Describing The Indescribable

    If you don’t realize the benefits of the most popular mindful practice, originating from the East yet, then I suggest you start googling. Do some research on meditation and try it out for yourself. I recommend it to everyone that is looking to incorporate more mindfulness into their lives and improve the way they think, eat, move and sleep. Starting out with guided meditations can help you a lot at the beginning and once you are comfortable taking it on your own, feel free to do so. Headspace is a great app, with a free trial called the Basics.

    3. Baking

    I’m becoming a master at sourdough bread. Something I would always say I have no time for, has become a hobby that I really enjoy doing. You have to count hours and minutes, as it is a very delicate process. But it brings me joy, even more so when I get to share it with friends.

    I am always sharing recipes and tips on my Instagram even, feel free to check it out @alenkaamali

    How are you surviving these weeks of “boredom”? Let me know in the comment section below!

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • See What I See. ⎯ Alenka Mali

    See What I See. ⎯ Alenka Mali

    “When we let our stories exist with honesty, we find ourselves in each other’s histories—together we find consensus, we find solidarity, we find healing.”

    AmyAnn Cadwell

    Cerro Capilla. The mountain of our grandparents. A true Slovenian peak in a crowded Argentinian town.

    Cerro Capilla lies on the shore of the Nahuel Huapi Lake, between Brazo Tristeza and Bless streams. Its perfect location gives the mountain a stunning scenery since it is surrounded by crystal waters and no high peaks.

    Gear used on the trip:

    Canon 5d MkIII

    Dji Mavic Air + Polarizers

    Read more about my photographer’s checklist!

    The views and its wild environment stands out as a highlight of the area. In fact, to get to the mountain it’s necessary to take a boat or kayak. We took my friend’s boat from Bahia Lopez and in 20 minutes, we were on the trail.

    The ascent to Cerro Capilla is a gem for Bariloche mountaineering! Once on top, we were about 2167 meters high! The views from there are amazing. We admired Cerro Tronador and Puntiagudo volcano as well as the entire Nahuel Huapi Lake. Some condors came to say hi too!

    If you are taking a vacation soon, I’d like to invite you to take advantage of this -65$ off Airbnb discount for your next trip! Enjoy it for me as well.

    ☽ Follow me on Instagram – @alenkaamali – to see more of my adventures ☽

    What do you think? Share your hiking moments with me over Instagram! I would love to share them with my stories. And help me spread the word, by sharing this blog post on your travel Pinterest boards:

    And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest too!

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

    This post contains affiliate links – click here to learn more!

  • Here’s How These 5 People Are Doing A Big Difference For A Plastic-Free Planet

    Here’s How These 5 People Are Doing A Big Difference For A Plastic-Free Planet

    How these 5 people are doing a big difference in the world. You don’t have to be rich and powerful, you don’t need a big network. All you need is a will to make a change. If you look at Greta Thunberg, for example. A 16-year-old girl, skyrocketed the whole planet’s awareness about climate change and veganism, all by staying true to her beliefs and letting others know that is time to make the change.

    There’s something suffocating our planet. It’s light, multipurpose, endemic to our modern lifestyles, and has a half-life of a few thousand years. It’s called plastic and it’s here to stay. Literally.

    Plastic products will live anywhere from 1,000 to 1 million years. Let me give you a frame of reference for those dates. About a thousand years ago, paper and gunpowder were introduced. Europe moved into the Middle Ages.

    A million years ago, the Ice Age came to a close and Homo Erectus (our forefathers) started to walk upright and learned to use fire. So, if we calculate the life of plastic, who knows what our Earth will look like once all of the plastic we use is finally gone.

    I for one, certainly hope that we will still be walking on our back legs and using fire. But, we are smothering our planet in plastic waste. Couple that with our desire for Barbie-Esque air-brushed bodies and who knows if we might start to be created out of malleable plastic.

    2019. A lot of things have happened this year. Some people call it the year of VEGAN, some people don’t even realize what kind of massive changes we have achieved. Yes, we. Because when it comes to plastic consumption, animal product consumption and demand, we are responsible for it, as well as completely free to demand a change.

    I’m honestly so happy to be living in this day and age and take part in the revolution upon us!

    As for me, this year has also been a year of big changes and switches. I’m now proudly living a plant-based lifestyle, I make many things at home, including my own milk, yogurt, bread and I grow as many different vegetables as I can! I have really made a point of cutting down my single-use plastics, and I’m keeping it very simple. I travel with less and I live with less. I invest in long-term durability items and reusable utensils. I know I don’t have to be famous or very influential to inspire others, which is why I share quite constantly over my social media, and this blog, the thoughts, and tips that I come across about living a plastic-free lifestyle.

    And it brings me such joy when I hear someone say, that I was the one who inspired them to buy a reusable bottle or to always bring a tote bag to the store. My mission continues, and for all my readers, thank you for sticking with me, all this time!

    Read more: 7 Ways to Switch into A Plastic-Free Lifestyle

    Read more: Eco-Friendly Alternatives

    Read more: 5 Ways To Travel With Less Waste

    Young Ghanaian finds a solution to turn plastic waste into fuels to power cars

    In Ghana, the menace of plastic waste is a global phenomenon! Young Ghanaian start-ups have started an initiative to help deal with the challenge by turning plastic waste into fuels for usage and the project has received a GEFSGPGhana UNDP Ghana support to begin the pilot stage of the laudable initiative.

    Read more:


    Friends at Plastic Free Fridays

    Plastic-free Fridays is a social media campaign that encourages others to go plastic-free for at least one day a week – Friday! Just to give it a try and see how it feels. It was started by a professional skier, Sierra Quitquit and supported by many awesome athletes in the snow and surf industry. By sharing daily tips, accepting others and being constantly aware of the progress over perfection principle, they had become one of my favorite plastic-free campaigns in 2019!

    “Our mission is to help significantly reduce single-use plastics consumption among individuals by raising awareness and shaping positive habits on a broad scale through education, awareness, and alternative solutions, while also working towards systemic change on the community-, corporate- and policy-level.”

    Follow @PlasticFreeFridays on Instagram

    Plastic Free Fridays (read more)

    Plastic bags blow – Ross Mirkarimi

    Our buddy Ross was inspired by our global friends in Bangladesh who passed the first plastic bag ban worldwide. He brought the concept to the residents living in the windy hills of San Francisco. What better city than one populated with early adopter liberal activists to test the appeal of canvas instead of plastic.

    The city council member made national news headlines when he ushered through the passage of the first plastic bag ban in the U.S. It has since spread to all corners of our nation, home to both tea party activists, coffee party partakers and everyone in between.

    Be like Ross: Get involved today to ban plastic bags in your community


    Rising Above Plastic – Jordan Howard

    With only 18 years, Jordan is killing the environmental activist game! Her accomplishments are already worthy of a full-length book. As a senior at the Environmental Charter High School in Lawndale, Calif., this young greenie is an anti-plastic crusader.

    Not only is she inspiring, mentoring and educating people of all ages, but she is also putting her words into action. Jordan trained students on the harms of disposable plastics, presented solutions to environmental problems in her city, talked to Google executives about plastics and is the editor of “Green My Parents.”

    This media-savvy girl has been featured on T.V. shows and in films, and is featured in the new book “Girls Gone Green.” In between it all, she does her homework and adheres to her curfew.

    Jordan Inspires

    Tears for fears – Nandita Raj

    We’re going even younger now! Our third-grader Nandita Raj was fearful of all of the plastic destroying our planet. So scared in fact, that it drove her to tears. But rather than wallowing in misery, her tears drove her family to action. Her parents swapped plastic bags for canvas and despite the social chills this middle-class family endures from carrying reusable bags and containers with them, they’re committed activists now. How inspiring?

    plastic pollution-alenka mali-plastic free activists-making a difference in the world-plastic free lifestyle

    Taking it even further…

    Wondering what to do, where to start? If you are new to this whole plastic-free lifestyle idea, start here.

    It starts with education! Continues with a plan and proceeds with ACTION.

    Check out some of the most amazing resources on the internet:

    Plastic Pollution Coalition (click)

    That Sustainable Life (click)

    My Plastic-Free Life (click)

    #sustainabilityissexy TAG YOUR POSTS @alenkaamali (for a repost) Let’s make a difference in the world. Together.

    Did you like this post? Help me spread the word by sharing it with your friends and pinning it to your Pinterest boards:

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial photography, squamish local, lightroom presets

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • 7 Life-Changing Documentaries

    7 Life-Changing Documentaries

    As documentaries are grounded in true stories, they can inspire in a way fictionalized films can’t. The emotional impact can be more thrilling than any blockbuster because they’re based on facts, which explains their appeal. Here are 7 of the very best (in my opinion) inspirational documentaries you can find—enjoy!

    Feel free to screenshot these or save them as a pin in your must-see movies board on Pinterest! I truly believe knowledge is the best weapon, (or tool). Don’t want to sound too aggressive. I did watch these docs, some more times than others and I truly believe that I have put together an important list of movies that will change your life for good. Having a deeper understanding of certain things is important nowadays when we are being bombarded with what theory works and what tips to listen to, what to eat, and so on.

    Watch out, because these films are powerful, shocking, heartbreaking, and intense, and each will expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world!


    Bob Marley remains a global superstar, and this documentary delves deep into his life to reveal a complex man with a natural gift for music. Poignant and thoroughly inspiring.

    Watch Marley the movie now

    Food Matters

    Yes. If there was ever a time to watch this, it might be now. What we put in our bodies matters, just as much as knowing where it came from! Knowledge is wealth. Health is wealth.

    Watch Food Matters movie now



    “The 1969 Woodstock Festival has gone down in legend. What really stands out is the quality of the music on display; whether it’s Richie Havens, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, or Joe Cocker. It’s emotional music and it’s performed before an audience of 500,000!” When I saw the movie, it had changed my perspective on how I viewed the 60’s hippie era. I understood how they felt, I understand the innocence that once existed and it’s slowly fading away. I do recommend you to see the movie!

    3 days. Defined a generation.

    Watch Woodstock the full movie now


    Living materialistically is, in many ways, living the American Dream — and that’s what our society wants us to believe. But ultimately, material items and consumption cannot provide us with long-lasting happiness.

    Watch Minimalism The Movie it now

    What The Health

    “What are the pharmaceutical companies not telling us? This documentary explores the dark side of drug companies and government collusion that is costing us big bucks and keeping us sick.”

    When I first saw that movie I was so shocked I cried and then I laughed because it was just like I saw the truth. I’m now watching it frequently, as well as recommending it to everyone who is thinking about transitioning into a plant-based diet. Now it might be a great time!

    (Tell you what. If you watch What The Health and still eat hot dogs and mozzarella sticks after, call me.)

    Watch What The Health movie now

    A plastic ocean

    Plastic is overwhelming our oceans and harming the creatures within. Two activists explore the environmental impacts of plastic waste and what can be done to fix the massive ocean pollution problem.

    Personally, this one fell very close to my heart. I’m so passionate about our environment, keeping the nature pristine and living a life with low impact. Unfortunately, we have been taking some wrong decisions in the past that our oceans, rivers, and lake are now paying for. Plastic pollution is getting more serious every year and realizing how our little daily choices make all the difference, completely shifted my perspective.

    Watch a Plastic Ocean The Movie now


    The Game Changers

    I saved the best for last. Oh my God. What a game changer this movie is! I have watched it a few times already since it has come out and I cannot believe how heart-shifting the story is. No matter what you are doing right now, drop it and go see the movie. Do yourself a big favor! And then brag about seeing it and recommend it to everyone you know (because that is what you will do, everyone does!!!)

    If you are an athlete, professional or amateur, I don’t care… This is for you… Improving in a sport we love, isn’t that everyone’s dream? Well, they might as well share a secret with you!

    Watch The Game Changers Movie Now

    Alright, but this isn’t it! I have included some YouTube videos you can also watch if you are interested in similar topics. (Sports, improvement, self-care, environment, arts). Enjoy.


    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

    Follow me on Instagram: @alenkaamali

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

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  • Give Thanks Day Sunday ~ Project Blue Hands

    Give Thanks Day Sunday ~ Project Blue Hands

    Project Blue Hands remained inspired to raise funds for PFC foundation after many years. This was their 5th Give Thanks Day collaborating with PFC DAY.

    Along with the live music of local artists, we gathered on a beautiful Sunday, with perfect weather and a very motivated team of volunteers.  A community celebration in the spirit of creating harmony amongst people from all walks of life.  #GiveThanksDay has always been a day to remember how far a simple act of kindness can reach. It is a day where we all aspire to inspire youth philanthropy while bridging the gap between the marginalized and privileged communities.

    I would like to thank Eric from Kuppa Foundation for reaching out and inviting me to cover the event and spread awareness about their foundations. On a day like this, I get reminded of how lucky I got in life, and how some people haven’t and they can struggle in places where I don’t even think about, with problems I’m not familiar with. It’s important to acknowledge how some residents of Vancouver, even though homeless deserve a chance too.

    Eric and Coco were kind enough to organize free dental check-ups, hot meals all day, OD emergency training, free haircuts, clothing, and many more little things that we tend to take for granted in everyday life.

    I feel honoured for being a part of something different this Sunday.

    You can read more about Coco’s foundation and her upcoming events and project on their website: Project Blue Hands

    More about Alenka

    “My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

    Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Editing photos

    squamish, squamish photography, work, alenka mali, photography, drone, aerial

    Photography (free mini-course)

    This post contains affiliate links – click here to learn more!